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WIR-0114 Worklamp Upgrade

Increase interior lighting and productivity


Since the beginning, Fadal manufactured machines using a specified 150W outdoor flood bulb. It didn't last long in the coolant soaked machining environment, was prone to early failure from machine vibrations and heat variations...and still DID NOT GIVE YOU ENOUGH LIGHT!

But now you can see the light with our LED Worklamp upgrade....


LED High Power Machine Light, 50W, 4500 Lumens, 5000K, w/Knuckle Mount
Replace traditional Machine Lights and save big with our energy efficient LED High Power Machine Lights. Chip-On-Board LEDs are coupled directly to the housing and provide a service life of over 50,000 hours.



Only $95




CNCPros has no affiliation with Fadal Engineering or any of their related companies.