Spindles | Product Education | CNCPros.com
Spindle noisy...maybe now is the time to swap it out? Over 1000 of our spindles ARE STILL RUNNING!

SPN-0336A 7.5K/10K Grease Pack Spindle
Only $3,750 No Core Charge

Maximum performance and superior preload will increase your runtime and production with our "bullet proof" spindle technology.
- Improved labyrinth seal for spindle nose bearings

- Impure shop air positive pressure not required on our spindles
- Over 5 years meantime between failures
- Reduced maintenance and downtime expense
- Our design is based on proven Japanese spindle technology
- 1-Year Warranty
- Includes a FREE Installation DVD

Why not install it yourself? You can with these helpful videos. |
CNCPros has no affiliation with Fadal Engineering or any of their related companies.
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