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Servo Motor Repair

Servo Motor Repair Services

We understand that when you have a motor die, you're looking for a solution that's quick, affordable, and reliable. That's why we carry both new and remanufactured motors on-the-shelf and ready-to-ship! However, when time is not an issue, our great motor repair services can't be beat...

As your premier supplier of Fadal parts and service for your Fadal CNC machine, we also offer full Fadal servo motor repair capabilities (and spindle motors too for that matter!). We know your downtime is critical, so we eliminate all possibilities of failure.

When you have us service your motor, you can have confidence it is done right, every time. We don't just bench test and call it a day. Your motor is tested on a Fadal machine, under full load, at full rapid for 30 minutes. WHO ELSE DOES THIS?

In addition, all remanufactured motors carry a full 1-Year Warranty!

Compare that to other shops that repair ALL brands of motors, and just dabble in Fadal motors. Fadal servo motors are all we do, and we do them well.

Regardless of the Fadal motor you have, we offer a flat $650 fee (excluding AC Encoder replacement), so long as the motor is rebuildable.


Here are the procedures for sending us your broken motor:

  1. Please call us at (208) 855-9426 for a Return Authorization Number, so we can create a sales order in our system to match the motor(s) you are sending to us.
  2. Send your motor(s) to us with a full description of the problem(s).
  3. Once your motor is received, we will call you to let you know it has arrived.
  4. We then disassemble the motor and evaluate it according to the description you sent on the RMA.
  5. We then call you with a full evaluation as to whether the motor can be repaired or not. You are given several options to choose from: 1) Go ahead with the repair; 2) send it back "as is"; 3) Scrap it, or; 4) Buy a new or reman motor to replace it.
  6. If you choose to have us repair it, we start on your motor right away. Most are typically finished within 2-3 business days.
  7. When we get ready to ship it out, we call you again and let you know, so arrangements can be made on the speed of delivery you would like.
  8. When the motor(s) arrive, you can rest easy knowing you have a 1-Year Warranty.


We offer both new and remanufactured motors on-the-shelf and ready-to-ship!  If time is short, this is a great alternative to having your motor repaired.

DC Servo MotorsAC Servo MotorsSpindle Motors
MTR-0002G* MTR-0139 MTR-0109
MTR-0002EP* MTR-0141 MTR-0110
MTR-0003G* MTR-0142 MTR-0111
 MTR-0010G* MTR-0143 MTR-0112
 MTR-0010EP* MTR-0146 MTR-0147
*G: Glentek  *EP: Extended Performance  


We run our business just like yours... working hard to meet our customer's expectations!

Call or email us now for a quote 208-855-9426

CNCPros has no affiliation with Fadal Engineering or any of their related companies.