Drawbar | Product Education | CNCPros.com
Avoid the CRASH! Replace your drawbar before it happens... |
Annual preventative maintenance on your spindle drawbar assembly helps avoid the following:
- Improperly low cutting drawforce pressure
- Damaged, cracked, or broken locking assembly
- Cracks and damage to floater ring and drawbar spindle
- Cracked or broken Belleville Springs
- Rust and corrosion
Don't let your drawbar ruin your spindle! |
We have your drawbars in-stock and ready-to-ship! |
DRB-0003: Locking style drawbar kit w/ Bellevilles |
DRB-0030: Non-Locking style drawbar kit w/ Bellevilles |
Coupon Code: DRAWBAR Expires: 9/7/2014
Coupon Code: DRAWKIT30 Expires: 9/7/2014
Don't forget the service tools! |
CNCPros has no affiliation with Fadal Engineering or any of their related companies.
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